Installation, Collaboration(11 members) , 3.7x2.5 m, 2012

[TWO-FACED ONE] is an collaborative installation art work about the integration of human’s duplexity. 
[TWO-FACED ONE] is installed a form which describes a lotus in front of the art work and it means people’s positive and ethical deposition. Putting it differently, [TWO-FACED ONE] express the beautiful front to depict human’s consideration for others, hope for good living and upbeat dreams with using bright colors and images. On the other hand, [TWO-FACED ONE] is set up a dark background and human’s hands at the back of the work and it means people’s selfishness and negative desire. Eventually, the work articulated the human’s mind both positively and negatively. Lastly, it also shows the desire to rise for the human’s duplexity combined with trendy society as a flow shape around the work.

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Human’s hand : It expresses the desire of each individual human
Lotus : It means innocence and self-control. “Mysterious and miraculous flower”

the installation process simply.
01 Install chairs and brackets to make the size of the lotus flower largely,
02 Standing prepared 9 sticks.
03 Each lotus flower leaves fix to wooden supports and using fishing gut.
04 If the lotus fix, we paint the external petals.
05 The internal lotus is painted by hand, after 150 hand (made by plater bandage) pinned in internal louts.
06 Install Designed lighting to maximize the effect.