/ Thesis Project / MFA Design and Technology at Parsons / Solo Work
Bluetooth / WEB / SWIFT iOS / Product Design / UI/UX Design and Engineering
PIXELS is a series of light-emitting objects and an iOS application that blends digital and physical spaces. We live in a world in which the digital and physical are intertwined. At this point, it would be impossible to separate them. In the project, it asks how much we perceive their co-existence. It aims that the users to ask how much we are adapting to the blended environment.
PIXELS (app + light object) : (BLUETOOTH)
PIXELS SKETCH + technical diagram
The creation of dynamic environment reflects our reality. It tells digital environments are going to be more and more similar to reality while the reality actually assimilates digital culture. As a result, it shows how much digital environments and reality are blended in these days.