Google Exercise


/ Google Exercise Project / Solo Work  / WEB-APP / UX Design and Engineering


 + Recall the moment + 

I wanted to create an image gallery application that let users recall memories of the photos while they are using it. 

Therefore, I decided to design the interaction which resembles motions of camera lens [ shutter ].

Also, I tried to provide a new option of viewing digital images: analog photo feature view. 


Main Interactions

  • Tap to go Detail View for selected photo.
  • Swipe through to see previous or next images.
  • Press a photo on Detail View to see dynamic view which has analog picture style.


STEP 1. Mock-up Images

   I received mock-up images to develop Photo/Image Gallery's interactive designs on mobile platforms.


STEP 2. Sketching Ideas


 I tried to imagine user scenarios and concept of image gallery.

I firstly came out "camera" image since I assumed most of images and photos in the image gallery application are taken from users by using their (phone) cameras. 


FORM FOLLOWS FUNCTION :: Motion Provides Meaning

I wanted users recall the moment they took the pictures by having camera lens shutter interactive design.


STEP 3. Learning Google's Material Design Rules


I tried to make the prototype looks like Google's product. I carefully applied Google's Material Design Rules.

( Roboto Fonts, Color Themes, Flat Designs, Layout Styles, Smooth Movements, Shadow Effects, etc. )



STEP 4. Building a prototype

I created the prototype by using 

HTML(5)   CSS(3)   JAVASCRIPT   jQuery(UI)   Angular.JS   Hammer.JS   BootStrap   Google's Material-Design-Resources

***** Recommended to explore the prototype on mobile devices *****