charcoal & acrylic, 20x26",19x25.5", 2012 

[FORGIVENESS SHADES BY HOPE] is a work that has a message of encouraging the people who look back their life with full of regrets and despair. There are lots of people trapped in hopelessness because of their habitat of regretting and blaming one’s self. 
The skull above shows the circumstance of reminding something inside of him by looking at his shadow. It presents the regrets, foolishness, hurts, blames about the past. The object, skull, itself is also an image of the death with nothing left behind with emphasizing the loneliness.

In contrast of the first skull, the skull above represents the bright aspect of our lives with hopes and dreams with emerged lights on his chest. I tried to show two extremes by using same element, the skull.
This piece is intended to convey the bright message of hope to the people in hurt with the irrevocable past.